Showing all 5 books
There are many Nighntus, ancient and recent, of Ayurveda in different formats and orientations. As the dictum Says that Vaidya - the Practitioner of Ayurveda without a nighntu will be a laughing stock. Study of Nighntus is of prime importance to Vaidyas. Hence, effort has been made to present this small Nighntu in English for wider acceptability. Lolimbaraja was an erudite scholar of Sanskrit and Ayurveda. His work Sadvaidya jivanam was famous after his ...
Kucimara Tantra is an ancient text dealing mainly on protection and beautification of male and female genitalia along with other therapies like vasikaranam etc., which are not believed by the majority of the scientific population. This book also deals with few scientific descriptions relavant to present day needs. Probably, this is the ancient work dealing with Kanya Karanam, Dravikarnam etc. there are many prescriptions to promote enjoyment in ...
This Netra darpanamu is the only book written exclusively on Eye diseases in Telugu poetry. This unique work in Telugu was first published in 1908 in Eluru and republished in 1915 & 1926. After a lapse of 58 years I got it serialized in Indian Medicine House Journal in 1984 to draw the attention of the Vaidyas of Andhra Pradesh. It is the general opinion, as I could gather, of the Ayurvedic fraternity, that it is very difficult to treat eye ...