This hardback omnibus edition collects three of M. T. Vasudevan Nair’s previously published works—Mist and The Soul of Darkness, Kaalam and Kuttiedathi and Other Stories. The volume features an introduction to M. T. Vasudevan Nair’s work by P. P. Raveendran, an eminent academic and a scholar of Malayalam literature.Mist and The Soul of Darkness are translations of M. T. Vasudevan Nair’s highly-acclaimed novellas, Manhu and Irutinde Atmavu. ...
Increasingly possessed by a yearning to escape the ennui of an indifferent marriage and the empty but comfortable lifestyle of a bureaucrat, Raghu decides to visit the small patch of ancestral property in his native village. As he relives the past, old grudges are aired, exposing the faultlines in relationships but also subliminally forging bonds with the land and his people. The novel moves between the two worlds—the past and the present—with pungent, earthy ...
After a hesitant start towards the end of the nineteenth century, short fiction in Malayalam came into its own in the 1930s. Since then, writer after writer has experimented with content, style and language to give the genre a unique standing in contemporary Indian literature, as perhaps the most translated, not just into English and other Indian languages but also into other media such as film and television. From Vaikom Muhammad Basheer and O.V. Vijayan to ...