Showing all 6 books
The Brahma-Yoga of the Gita has broken the limits of closed thinking and the artificial walls which are unfortunately maintained even now by the followers of the great Vedanta Schools. Its central teachings are: 1, that there will never emerge the illuminational direct and the concrete, blissful knowledge of Brahaman, unless one receives the Grace of God through a powerful God-realized Master; 2, that all kinds of altruistic works, penances, sacrifices, ...
In this book, the author has provided a free rendering of Upanisads in a simple and forceful style. He has presented their main ideas, of which he displays a firm grasp, in an intelligent and easily assimilable manner. This is not a mere translation, but as author has explained and commented on them, are also providing an interpretation of their philosophy. The Upanisads are a compendium of various trends of philosophical ideas of the ancient seers of India. They ...
These two volumes depict a scholarly, authentic and faithful translation of the commentary of Sri Sankaracarya on the Brahma-Sutras. The author has been able to do so because, in the first place, he has kept himself very close to the meaning and spirit of the interpretation of the Sutras as done by the great Acarya, and secondly, because he could adopt the mystical view-point of Sankaracarya which subsumes and goes beyond the view-point of the earlier theistic ...
This volume contains the life-long spiritual experience of the author. In his view the discovery of God has been made till now by saints and prophets all over the world, and their experiences recorded in the scriptures. But the truth of them all has to be tested by our own rediscovery of the presence of the Divine in us as well as in others and in the Nature outside. Till this is not done by oneself with an initial but provisional faith in another person who has ...
Samartha Ramadasa, one of the foremost Indian saints, from Maharashtra, was a great philosophic-spiritual thinker who in his times attracted even political power on his side and helped to establish a secular government in Maharashtra under the care of Sivaji, the study of his thought as enshrined in his Dasabodha and other works.