V.K. Rao

51 books
Mycotoxins, toxic metabolites of molds elaborated during their colonization of foods and feeds, pose a threat to human and animal life. Molds are the diverse group of fungi, which grow in compatatively dry and warm environments, produce copious amount of spores and promote the elaboration of these mycotoxins. Mycotoxigenic fungi, which are unique their sporulating apparatus and exhibit wide variation in their morphology, poses a challenge in their identification. ...
Vocational education is the education or training of workers. It is a powerful and fundamental force in the life of man. It plays an instrumental role in shaping the destiny of individual and future of mankind. Vocational education, as a value-generating force in society, rejuvenates the present civilization and lays the foundation for a future one. The present book provides a veritable mine of vital information about the crucial problems and challenges in the ...
The primary purpose of schooling, which is only one of the institutional influences in a person’s education, is to assist the individual to better develop his or her full potential as well as to develop the knowledge, attitudes, and skills to interact with the environment in a successful manner. The educational expansion, universalisation of elementary education, vocationalisation of secondary education, higher and professional education and overall quality of ...
Educational psychology is a distinct scientific discipline within psychology that includes both methods of study and a resulting knowledge base. It is concerned primarily with understanding the processes of teaching and learning that take place within formal environments and developing ways of improving the affiliated operations and procedures. Educational psychologists are interested in a wide variety of topics such as learning theories; teaching methods; ...
Education is a powerful and fundamental force in the life of man. It plays an instrumental role in shaping the destiny of the individual and the future of mankind. Education, as a value-generating force in society, rejuvenates the present civilisation and lays the foundation for a future one. Educational emancipation is a prerequisite to socioeconomic emancipation. The teachers should provide the right leadership to achieve the goal. Every student is a genius and ...
The country is passing through major economic developments with liberalisation and globalisation of the economy. The universities are also expanding their territorial boundaries through distance education. In all these areas, quality assurance has become a major focus. There is great demand for expansion of higher secondary education on account increasing expansion of primary and secondary education and rising social expectations. Consequently, emphasis has been ...
Education has transgressed national boundaries and acquired a global dimension. National education systems and policies governing them are constantly changing in an attempt to meet the challenges of globalisation. Continued stress is being placed on restructuring of curricula, teaching technologies, planning, management, and procedures for generating resources. Paradigm shifts are apparent, and the situation demands a re-look at the higher education system and ...
Education is about people learning. If total quality management is to have relevance in education it needs to address the quality of the learners’ experience. Unless it does that it will not make a substantial contribution to quality in education. In a period when most institutions are being asked to do more with less it is important that they focus on their prime activity—learning. Students, teachers, educationists, and educational administrators besides ...
Science is the system of knowing the universe thought data collected by observation and controlled experimentation. Moving from the broad, general aims for science teaching to specific, behavioural objectives has, arguably, reduced rather than increased the understanding of the nature of scientific activity. A scientific education provided the best discipline in observation and in the combination of inductive and deductive reasoning enabled its advocates to press ...
Education is fundamental to all round development of human potential material and spiritual. It refines sensitivities and perceptions that contribute to national cohesion, a scientific temper and independence of mind and spirit, thus furthering the goal of socialism, secularism and Democracy enshrined in our constitution. Education develops manpower for different levels of economy and empowers the poor masses to become self-reliant enough to participate, in the ...
Distance Education has been booming in the past few decades as each and every nation has paid special attention to the possibilities of distance learning in higher education in order to respond to the increasing demand for highly trained human resources for socio-economic development. The book has been divided into seven chapters which give us complete information on different aspects of distance education. The information about distance education systems and ...
Education is an important factor in creating social order founded on the values of socio-economic justice, freedom and equal opportunity and thereby accelerating economic development and technological progress. The study indicates that some impressive achievements have been made in education during the plan era of 50 years; especially in enrolments, educational institutions and educational expenditure. A close look, however, reveals that the prevailing situation ...
This volume comprises of a total of six selected papers in Educational Technology (ET) written by reputed scholars and leading professionals currently working in the departments of instructional designs and educational technology in India and U.S.A. The papers deal with the following topics: technology integration for higher education, electronically mediated instructions, education via internet, virtual reality in education, strategies for effective learning and ...
Higher education is too serious a matter to be left wholly to politicians and bureaucrats. Our leaders, both at national and state levels, have generally been aware of the need to keep higher education away from political interference. Right from the time when India attained independence expert committees have been constituted and periodic reviews made about the needs and problems in the field of higher education. The book will be immense use to educational ...
For past some time now in India emphasis has been laid especially on the educational administration, its quality and its excellence at all desired levels. Educational administration had acquired status of full fledged discipline. Need of hour is to equip the upcoming educational administrators with the concepts of methodologies of organisation and administration. Educational planners, administrators, bureaucracy and general public must give attention to ...
Education is fundamental to all-round development of human potential-material and spiritual. It refines sensitivities and perceptions that contribute to national cohesion, a scientific temper and independence of mind and spirit, thus furthering the goal of socialism, secularism and democracy enshrined in our Constitution. Education develops manpower for different levels of economy and empowers the poor masses to become self-reliant enough to participate, in the ...
The educational system must produce young men and women of character and ability committed to national service and development. Even though Indian educational scenario, over the past few decades, has been characterised by massive quantitative expansion at all levels, it is still faced with a staggering backlog of high illiteracy levels of over 47 per cent in 1991. The attainment of the goal of universal elementary education still remains a distant possibility. ...
This book provides future teachers a history of education, from its roots in Indian tradition, through the colonial period, to the challenges of the twenty first century. The authors again organize material simply and logically and present it in the readable format readers appreciate. The book covers all of the important people, places, dates, events and movements; along with a capsule presentation of the underlying principles of educational practise and ...
This book integrates instructional design principles, methods, media and computing, and it uses a learner-centred approach that focuses on how to design solid technology-enhanced instruction that increases learning. It details the basic theories and applications of educational technology in reader engaging format. The book discusses the trends and issues that have affected the field in the past and present, and those trends and issues likely to affect it in the ...
Alternative schools in the 1960s and early 1970s emerged as idealistic havens. Although many of the students attending these schools may have been potential dropouts, the tendency was to fault "the system" for not meeting the needs of the students, rather than to blame the students for failing to conform to the system. Early alternative schools were designed to engage students who were "Turned out." They did so by encouraging creativity and ...