Showing all 2 books
This book discusses at length the Craftsmanhip of Christopher Fry: The Dramatist. It deals with of his plays. It explores the need of a fresh perspective for his study. His pre-was play The Boy with a Cart is also incorporated. This book mostly analyses plays of the 1940’s which consists of his four plays The Firstborm, Aphoenix Too Frequent, The Lady’s Note for Burning This also throw light on modern poetic drama compairing T.S. Eliot, Norman Nicholson and ...
The uncontrolled human activities, population, explosion, trade and over exploitation and indiscriminate use of natural resources has resulted in resources crunch and environmental degradation. Global warming and global change made the world's social and political life affected to avoid this the knowledge of environmental management is important. Global change is a vast ecological activity. Hence it is factual that the nature is affected. It is clear that the ...