V.K. Subramanian

25 books
Hymns Tulsidas presents, probably for the first time, the popular bhajans of Tulsidas composed in Braj Bhasha and Lok Bhasha, along wit his hymns which constitute the famouse HANUMAN CHALISA, a potent prayer, sung by millions for succour and success, all in one volume.
The speciality of this volume is that it presents the texts in Devanagari script (with suitable RAGAS), along with an English transliteration and a lucid English translation so that even those who ...
Introspection for India: a Paradigm for Progress is an incisive analysis of the problems facing India in its polity, society and economy. In the 18 chapters comprising the book, the author, a former civil servant and a well-known writer, gives over 100 ideas. These ideas constitute a blueprint for reform: To improve India’s polity and Strengthen its unity. To minimize the role of government and improve its functioning. To rectify the ills of the marathon public ...
The Sacred Songs of India Volume Four, like its predecessor volumes one, two and three, encompasses selections from the lifework of ten mystic poet-saints of India. The mystic poet-sages included in this volume lived between the 8 and 20 centuries and came from such diverse regions of India like Kashmir, Kerala, Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Punjab and Andhra Pradesh. They are: Sundarar (also known as Sundara Murthy), one of the great Nayanmars, ...
What this book aims to achieve is to stress, contrary to conventional belief, the striking similarity of expression and the unity of approach in the Holy Texts of the major religions of the world, separated by centuries. On the major issues concerning God and Man, passages have been presented from the Upanishads and the Bible, side by side so that even the cursory reader can appreciate the identity of thought and expression in the two scriptures.The Upanishads ...
The Sacred Songs of India Volume Five like its four predecessor volumes, encompasses selections from the4 lifework of ten mystic poet-saints of India. The mystic poet-sages includes in this volume lived between 7th and 19th century and came from such diverse regions of India as Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Kerala, Punjab, Maharashtra and Bengal. They are: Perialwar, the doyen of Alwars, Tirujnansasambandhar, the Saivite spiritual prodigy, ...
The Great Ones is that rare book, wherein the artistic and literary skills of the famous author-artist V.K. Subramanian are applied to an ennoblig theme; the life and work of the Great Ones, who have contributed to the advancement of human civilization and culture. The Great Ones dealt with fall into ten categories: 1. The Great Ones in Art (Painting, Sculpture & Architecture); 2. The Great Ones in Literature (Poetry, Drama, Fiction, etc.); 3. The Great Ones in ...
Art Shrines of Ancient India deals with the art treasures of selected archaeological sites in the various states of India. The sites dealt with are: Sarnath, Sanchi, Kanchipuram, Mamallapuram (Mahabalipuram), Temples of Chamba, Aihole, Badami, Pattadakkal, Elephanta, Ellora, Ajanta, Nalanda, Konarak, Halebid, Belur, Khajuraho, Suchindram, Mandu, Madurai, Chittor and Mount Abu. Profusely illustrated, the book peeps into the historical and mythological past of each ...
The Sacred Songs of India Volume Six, like its five predecessor volumes, encompasses selections from the lifework of ten mystic poet-saints of India. The mystic poet-sages included in this volume lived between 13 century B.C. and 19 century A.D. and came from diverse regions of India. They are : Veda Vyasa, the epic poet of India who authored the epics Mahabharata and Bhagavata, Appar (also known as Tirunavukkarasar, one of the quartet of great Saivite saints, ...
The Sacred Songs of India Volume Seven: Hymns to Ganesa, The Darling Deity makes a slight departure from the predecessor volumes. Sacred Songs of India Volume One contained songs of mystics intoxicated with God in the form of Krishna or Rama. Subsequent volumes have presented songs of saints obsessed with other images as well, like Siva, Sakti, Subrahmania, etc. This volume presents the songs of sages on Ganesa, the darling deity. The songs on Ganesa included in ...
Mystic Songs of Meera Presents (probably for the first time) the original text in Devanagari, side by side with English transliteration and English translation of 101 songs of Meera, the mystic saint of Rajasthan who lived in the 15th-16th century A.D. Bridal mysticism marked Meera’s spiritual approach to God. Krishna, whom she endearingly called Giridhar, the Lord who upheld the mountain, was her Beloved, and she expressed the imagery of human love to ...
The Sacred Songs of India Volume Eight, like its predecessor volumes, encompasses selections from the life work of ten mystic poet-saints of India. The mystic poet-sages includes in this volume lived between the 3rd century and the 20th century A.D. and came from such diverse regions of India as Tamil Nadu, Madhya Pradesh, Kerala, Karnataka, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and Orissa. They are: Tirumoolar, the Doyen of Saivite saints of Tamil Nadu, Kalidasa, the National ...
The Sivanandalahari of Adi Sankaracharya, like its twin Saundaryalahari, is a poem of intense devotion, as noted for poetic excellence as for its spiritual fervour. Since God cannot be conceived of, meditated upon or loved with devotion in the abstract, Indian sages have conceived of God as the Father-Mother, Siva-Sakti inseparable as world and meaning, in the immortal analogy of Kalidasa. In Sivanandalahari, Sri Sankaracharya pays homage to the Father, while in ...
101 Mystics of India is a valuable compilation by the scholar-artist-author V.K. Subramanian, whose ten-volume series Sacred Songs of India-the result of loving and laborious research spread over several years-is already before the discerning public. The book gives brief life sketches (side by side with pictorial representations) of 101 Mystics who graced the world from 2500 B.C. to the twentieth century in an unbroken continuity defying the barriers of region, ...
Saundaryalahari is a rare Tantric work whose authorship is attributed to Samkaracarya. It is a long poem of one hundred verses; a hymn of praise to the Divine Mother; an invocation and a prayer that awakens man from stupor to a state of effulgent energy and creativity. In this monograph the original Sanskrit text of each verse is presented in Devanagari script accompanied with its Roman transliteration. English rendering of the verses and explanatory notes are ...
The Sacred Songs of India Volume Nine, Like its predecessor volumes, encompasses selections from the life work of ten mystic poet-saint-musicians of India. The poet-saint-musicians included in this volume lived between the 5th century and the 20th century A.D. and came from such diverse regions as Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Assam, Punjab and Bengal. They are: Karaikkal Ammaiyar, famous woman-saint of tamil nadu, who turned from a wealthy trader to a recluse, ...
The Holistic Way to Health, Happiness and Harmony contains one hundred and eight prescriptions, being the distilled essence of ancient Hindu wisdom, ranging from astropalmic analysis, practice of the eight limbs of Yoga to maintain a perfect body, mind-vacuuming or meditation to ensure a stress-free life, breath regulation, twenty two varied ways of relaxing the mind and the body, eleven diet axioms and eleven wonder foods to be taken daily, practical suggestion ...
Predictive Planets and Presaging Palms is a unique book dealing lucidly with the fascinating predictive science of Astrology and Palmistry in a single volume. Profusely illustrated, the book highlights the difference between Western and Hindu system of Astrology and explains the Hindu art of predicting giving valuable information on the methodology of predictions, the planets the signs of the zodic and on hands and what they reveal. The special features of the ...
This collection of over 500 verses is a sampling of the vast unsavoured treasures of the Literary Heritage of India. Bequeathed by the Great Sages over 1000 years ago, the five hundred odd verses offer a code of conduct, a philosophy of social and ethical relations and a lively teaching of morals—all so crucial to the modern society, caught up in a turmoil of decaying values. The selection includes words of wisdom orally handed down the centuries and known as ...
A Feeling for Feminism is a collection of stories written by V.K. Subramanian, which reflects his empathy for women, especially the women of India. In these stories, various feminine facets are dealt with understanding and insight: women as affectionate sisters, tender, loving mothers, devoted wives, and women facing the brutal realities of life: betrayal, disappointment and ingratitude, The reader will enjoy meeting these women characters created by Subramanian ...