Showing all 3 books
India is multi-cultural state with large number of Muslims. In the recent past communal violence has been frequent. The state puts down violence by crushing it by police, paramilitary forces and army. But it id necessary to understand and critically examine various causes of social violence and adopt successful strategy to curb such violence. The present volume is an attempt towards this direction. It is a unique strikingly quantitative sociological research on ...
The Portuguese usage of caste refers only to lineage and does not refer to any particular kind of division of grouping, purity or pollution. The genesis of caste is to be settled by comparative evidence and not based upon only on the verses of Rigveda. The four fold varna is elastic as per laws of Manu but sociologists and historians now believe they know more about the ancients than ancients themselves. The caste is in its nature rather a matter of sociology ...