Showing all 4 books
The Kautilya-Arthasastra, of which Mr. Shamasastry gives us here his translation, is a work of exceptional interest and value. In the first place, it ascribes itself in unmistakable terms to the famous Brahman Kautilya, also named Visnugupta and known from other sources by the patronymic Canakya who tradition tells us, overthrew the last king of the Nanda dynasty, and placed the great Maurya Candragupta on the throne: thus, the two verses with which the work ends ...
The grammatical compendium of which this is a translation is current among the Pandits of the north-west provinces, and of most of the other provinces of India. The translation is one of a, series of attempts to encourage and facilitate the interchange of ideas between the Pandits and the senior English students of the government colleges. How different the arrangement of a Sanskrit treatise on grammar is from that of an English treatise of the subject, may be ...
The Grhya-sutra of Paraskara, which belongs to the White Yajurveda and forms an appendix to Katyayana's Srautasutra has been edited, with a German translation, by the 'scholar who was the first to make a Grhya text accessible to orientalists and to begin to grapple with the first and most serious difficulties that beset its interpretation, and who has continued since to do more than anyone else towards elucidating that important branch of Vedic literature. It ...