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The book is an attempt to know and discover the commonness and oneness in East-West approaches towards man and his problems relating to Society and God or the absolute. It reviews the concept of Man and its evolution through the ages. It is not a mere assessment of the East-West ideals. It is an ardent search for the generality of humanity. East-West Evaluation is an assessment of faith in man. It is not a formal study of the East-West ideas and approaches. On ...
There is a time in the life of man when he becomes acutely aware of the human predicament. He then asks himself: What is Man? This question is an enigma wrapped in a mystery. Different philosophers have offered different answer to this enternal question. The author of this book, Dr. V. Narayan Karan Reddy, Head of the Department of Philosophy, Osmania University, has tried to present Man from different points of view – psychological, axiological, ...
In this book East-West Unification and Globalisation of Mankind, the Author brings his rich experience and erudite scholarship and offers solutions in his inimitable way for the East-West Unification and Globalilstion of Mankind. This present work is based on the secrets of the origin of man and also the prospects of the future man. According to the Author, no nation can afford to live in isolation without interacting with its neighbouring countries. East-West ...
‘Adi Sankara and Sri Aurobindo’ reads closely between, the philosophies of the two great thinkers of their times. Both of them considered the mystery of the universe as supra-rational and transcendental. Both talked about the Spiritual Man and the Superman. But despite this, Sankara is called an Illusionist and Sri Aurobindo a Prophet of Integration. One shows the path of liberation and the other of transformation and total change. Sankara’s dauntless ...