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From times immemorial gur has satisfied the human craving for nutritive sweeteners. The lump suga-gur or jaggery is a nutritive sweetening agent manufacture primarily from sugarcane. It is consumed almost by all Indians in some form or the other. To date, its per capita consumption in India is 10.6 kg (in 1990-191). In some parts of the world gur is also produced from certain palms and sweet sorghum. Gur or jaggery is primarily produced in developing or ...
Diseases are one of the major constraints in the profitable cultivation of crops. The destructive role of plant diseases by preventing the realization of maximum yield has become quite difficult in recent years. This is perhaps due to high crop density obtained by using high rate of fertilizers and other agronomic practices is conducive for the multiplication of plant pathogens. The problem is particularly serious in monocropped area. This edited book ...