V.P. Goel

Showing all 6 books
In the history of medical astrology, for the first time, a comprehensive approach to locate the disease is given. This book deals with diagnosis of disease. An easy and step by step method is given which can be applied by any beginner of the subject. A must book for lovers of practical astrology.
Three distingushing features of Hindu Astrology are divisional charts, dasha systems and yogas. This book deals with divisional charts.
We all know the concept of divisional charts after we go through the Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra. It is for the first time that the practical application of these are given The book deals with all Parashari and non Parashari divisional charts and bring out their predictive value and the technique The high lights of the book are: ...
Jaimini system of astrology is fascinating method. It is a great predictive tool for astrologers. Combined with Parasara system we can double check the horoscope check the horoscope and give good predictions. Jaimini sutras have been interpreted differently by scholars and thus the practical use is difficult. This book gives a practical approach to Jaimini predictions. Secrets of predicting are revealed for the first time. Important Jaimini dasha re discussed ...
This book “Snapshot Prediction Using Yogini Dasha” places the Yogini Dasha at its rightful place in predictive astrology. Sages have commanded use of Yogini Dasha on all horoscopes. Life is not repeat of events every thirty six years and this prejudice is the biggest hurdle in use of Yogini. This book clears the mystery and makes Yogini Dasha as universally applicable dasha in true sense.
This method of progressive Yogini Dasha has been tested on ...
The book "Predicting through Shasti Hayani Dasha" explains the method and application of this conditional dasha laid down by Maharishi Parashara. The book is illustrative with 110 practical examples and roves the predictive importance of this dasha. Use of a conditional dasha is essential to confirm the readings of any general dasha. It is like taking a specialist opinion of an expert to confirm or modify the opinion of a general ...
Shodashottary Dasha is a conditional Nakshatra Dasha given by Maharishi Parashara. This book "Predicting through Shodashottary Dasha" provides an insight to the method of application of this Dasha. This special dasha is applicable on fifty percent of the horoscopes and must be used by serious astrologers. Among the conditional Nakshatra dasha of Parashara, Shodashottary dasha has maximum applicability. This ranks next to ...