Showing all 2 books
The book contains an up-to-date account of family Cyperaceae in the state of Karnataka. It gives a brief history, morphology, distribution, habitat and classification of the family Cyperaceae. For most of the species illustrations have been provided to help in the identification. Detailed description of 163 species, 6 subspecies and 9 varieties coming under 23 genera are given in the book. The work is based on critical studies in different herbaria and collection ...
The Illustrated Flora of Keoladeo National Park, Bharatpur, Rajasthan caters to the needs of naturalists, students and also professionals who visit the Park. The illustrations alone will be sufficient to identify species. Keys to families, genera and species are also given. The key to species is only for those identified from the Park. Although the Keoladeo or Ghana National Park covers a very small area, the number of species identified is very high, showing the ...