V.P. Sharma

Showing all 8 books
In India about 72-76% of human population lives in about 6,00,000 villages and is mainly engaged in agricultural and allied activities. Recently, a lot of emphasis is being given to agro-based industries due to advantages of rural employment generation and gainful utilization of natural and farm resources. Large quantities of renewable lignocellulosic residues are generated every year as a result of extensive agriculture practices. Their direct use as food is ...
This book entitled “Objective fundamental for professional in extension education†is specifically designed to cater the needs of vast pools of students and professionals in extension education. It contains fully solved 2,500 objective type questions covering the entire subject matter content of the extension disciple. Questions on origin of cooperative extension services in USA, adoption and diffusion of innovations and; origin and development of extension ...
India is blessed with varied agro climate, abundance of agricultural waster and manpower making it most suitable for the cultivation if all types of temperate, subtropical and tropical mushrooms. It is estimated that about 170 million tones of crop residues are left unused for burning, out of which even one per cent of their utilization for the production of mushrooms can make India as one of the major mushrooms producing country of the world. Though mushroom ...
It is generally realized that there is an acute shortage of literature on mushroom cultivation based on the requirements of the growers in our country. Therefore the present book has been written keeping those factors in view and the book shows a great variety of cheap and useless materials, e.g. agricultural, industrial and forest waste, that can be successfully used as media for growing the various edible mushrooms. The book emphasizes mainly on the applied ...