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The concern for human rights and fundamental freedoms has assumed a global dimension and is of vital significance to the world community. Human rights intrinsically and pervasively impact the quality and fulfillment of life of societies in all nations and ensure the prevalence of freedom, justice, peace and order in the world. The United Nations, has launched a world public information campaign for human rights knowledge and awareness of human rights. A massive ...
Justice for Judges: The Bitter Experiences’ provides a comprehensive examination of the current critical issues and policy dimensions in the field of judicial system. This book is perhaps the first attempt to explore the phenomenon of total judicial approach in the administration of judicial system and overview the effectiveness of the judicial administration. This book tries to initiate meaningful academic interaction and a free, frank and bold dialogue in the ...
Terrorism has acquired global dimensions and has become a challenge for the entire world. It has made its target the person, property, places and communications in a bid to paralyse the individual liberty and dignity of person on one hand and peace and security on earth on the other hand. Terrorist organizations are funded by various vested interest which are both national and international. The countries like USA and UK have faced the onslaught of international ...
The concepts of human rights have evolved through the centuries and its jurisprudence has become a concept of international importance. Several international instruments which have adopted by the international community, since the inception of the United Nations, obligate governments to promote and protect human rights. Human Rights ensure prosperity in society by having a satisfied and productive people. This book explores various dimensions for protection and ...
Women constitution almost half of the human population hae been suffering social and economic deprivation and oppression through the millennium all over the world. Improvement in the status of movement has been accepted by the founding fathers of the constitution and subsequently by the government from the very beginning of independent India. Over the year number of social legislations have been passed in favour of women but still we find that the status of women ...
Terrorism has existed in one form or another in many societies for centuries. It is the methods, means and weapons that account for differentiation of various manifestations of terrorism. In spite of the threats of terrorism, the international community fails to define terrorism. The menace of international terrorism with its wide roots and numerous global connections has been recognized as a grave international concern by every major international gathering in ...
Safeguarding human rights is an essential part of responding effectively to the AIDS epidemic at individual, national and global levels. HIV strikes hardest where human rights are least protected, particularly among people and communities on the margins of the society including sex workers, injecting drug users and men who have sex with men. Across the globe more than 40 million people live with HIV, half of whom are women and half the new infections are ...