Showing all 3 books
Fruits are an important source of nutritional security and income generation. The country ranks second in terms of fruit production after China with an annual production of nearly 50 million tons from an area of about 4.0 million hectares. However, we are short in supplying the required quantity of fruits as per dietary recommendation for our increasing population. The major reason for non-availability of required quantity of fruits is, lack of sufficient ...
In the Past a lot of attempts have been made by various bodies to assimilate the authentic information on pear in a consolidated from at one place. However, still there is a vacuum to satisfy the needs of the scholars in the field. Through this book an attempt has been made to bring the authentic information regarding Pear at one place. The different chapters in this book have been contributed by the veterans in the field. The chapters in this book have been ...
The book contains the information on importance and scope of area expansion of arid and minor fruits in the problematic soils, waste lands and non-areable lands. The Information on nutritional value, anti-oxidant properties, taxonomic positions, bio-diversity, plant regeneration techniques, production technologies, phenology, post harvest handling, processing and value addition on 21 arid and semi arid fruits which are now picking up has been presented in this ...