Showing all 3 books
Globally, climate change is exerting an enormous influence on productivity of both natural and cultivated ecosystems. With growing population and its needs, nature was subjected to over exploitation at the expense of sustainability of resources and production base. Of the sciences that help us in understanding and adjusting with the nature in relation to agriculture, Agricultural Meteorology is one. There are several advanced books on this subject, but a text ...
This is a unique book on operational agro meteorology. It has contents that explicitly state that:
Weather is a non-monetary input in all agricultural operations. If weather based farming is done, the cost of cultivation of crops can be reduced at least by 10% and quality of the agricultural produce be improved by 2-3% Past 10 days weather is as important as 10 day forecast of weather, in developing weather based technologies and making farm management decisions ...
In addition, the knowledge of the farmers should be strengthened to cope with environmental disasters that irreversibly affect their resource base and farming systems. The books which contain terminology that assist the students, researchers, extension workers, planners etc., are most useful and is the need of the hour. This book is improved over the earlier book "Terminology in Agricultural Meteorology" with additions of new terms from the ...