Showing all 3 books
The genus Opegrapha sensu lato in India is revised. It deals with the detailed account of Opegrapha, known so far from India, based on comprehensive investigations on the types and voucher specimens deposited in various Indian and foreign herbaria viz., AMH, ASSAM, BM, BSA, BSHC, CAL, G, GLAM, hb, AWAS, H-NYL, L, LWG, LWU, M, PBL, S, TUR AND W, additional live collections and relevant literature. All the earlier erroneously identified herbarium collections were ...
Cannanore is the second among the northern most districts of Kerala state. It lies between 11 40' and 12 8' N latitude and 75 11' and 76 08' E longitude and is bounded on the north by Kasargod district of Kerala state. On the east by Karnataka state, on the south by Calicut and Wynad districts of Kerala state and on the west by the Arabian sea. North Wynad taluk of the district now forms part of the newly created Wynad district. However, as this area was also ...