Showing all 4 books
Sanatana Dharma is not a sectarian religion. In fact, it connotes all aspects of life including faith. That is why, it is called a way of life. But there have been deliberate attempts to denigrate the Sanatana Dharma. This book attempts to clear the misunderstandings and distortions about Sanatana Dharma. Putting Sanatana Dharma in proper perspective, it describes its important aspects. Also, it analyses its universality and usefulness in the present era.
The volume is an erudite work on Nobel Laureate Prof. Amartya Sen's perception of Hinduism and the Hindus as evident in his books The Argumentative Indian and Identity and Violence. It examines Sen's stinging views on Hindutva and Hindu culture. The author argues that the works engage in Hindu-baiting and scrutinizes certain discrepancies that have crept in as a result of accepting theories, such as Sri Rama was a myth and Ramayana is a parable, uncritically. The ...
Sanatana Dharma, recognized as a universal Dharma, teaches the path of self-realisation through values and to use it as tool for right political governance. The book explains how the west has misinterpreted the Sanatana Dharma and at the same time gives us an eye to watch this Dharma in the modern context. It broadly defines the difference between happiness and pleasure; spiritualism and materialism. It teaches us the value of moral conduct and morality as a way ...