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Piperaceae is an economically important plant family. Members of this family grow in tropical forests from South Asia to Tropical America, including those of Africa and Australia. Several Piper spp. from India, southeast Asia and Africa are of economic importance since they are used as spices and traditional medicines. Many plant families have a global distribution, but a few have the rich ethnobotanical and ethno pharmaceutical history of Piperaceae. The pepper ...
Though management as a practice is very old, as a subject is has evolved in a big way only in the last fifty years. Today there are a number of management gurus who have extensively studied this subject and evolved a number of theories relating to it. However, we do not find many ancient books which have codified thoughts pertaining to management. The Thirukural is an expection, despite being two thousand year old. Considered the Tamil Veda, the Thirukural is a ...
The global changes warranted fastness in food production system and fast foods. In tune with demand, crop production also oriented accordingly. However, the proverb 'Health is a Wealth' has reminded us to keep vigil on system and method of food production and food safety. The ill-effect of conventional chemical based farming is well documented and public realized the importance of organically produced food and efforts are being made to popularize the ...