V T Patil

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Arms Control is an umbrella term for restrictions upon the development, production, stockpiling, proliferation, and usage of weapons, especially weapons of mass destruction. Arms control is typically exercised through the use of diplomacy which seeks to impose such limitations upon consenting participants through international treaties and agreements, although it may also comprise efforts by a nation or group of nations to enforce limitations upon a ...
The dramatic development of sophisticated and improved technologies has been the driving force behind the widespread embracing of the concept of flexible delivery and the application of the many and varied tools upon which it is based in the field of education. Developments in information technology has spawned a number of innovations in virtual education, or distance learning, where you learn at your own computer terminal from instructors who are physically ...
Today, we are living on the threshold of a new global civilisation. As the world is an indivisible whole, its parts are interrelated and interdependent so that what happens to one part ultimately affects the whole. Progress in one part cannot succeed unless it ultimately spells progress for the whole. Humanity, therefore, is undergoing the birth-pangs of a new evolution which would bring about world unity. All the various experiments that are going on today are ...
The South Asian people share many socioeconomic and political problems such as poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, unequal treatment of women, violence against women, pollution, exploitation of child labour and religious fundamentalism. Human rights organisations in South Asia have recently taken steps to cooperate in addressing their common problems. Even in this infoage, South Asia remain as the most terrorised, most poorest, most illiterate, most malnourished, ...
This significant study examines in an academic manner such contentious issues as the nature, substance and thrust of migration in South Asia, the Indian diaspora in the United States, urban and transnational migrations and adaptations, global refugee movement and policy, statelessness in Sri Lanka and internally displaced persons in Bangladesh. The present work is a serious attempt to examine the interrelationship between migration, refugees and security in the ...
At the dawn of the new millennium, the makers of India's Foreign and Security Policies are confronting serious challenges arising out of the turbulence in world politics emanating from the momentous economic, technological and political changes. At the same time, unprecedented opportunities are also knocking at their door. These challenges and opportunities call for an in-depth scrutiny of the implications of these developments for India to suggest suitable ...
Human rights are almost a form of religion in today’s world. They are universal since they are said to belong to all humans in every society. Human rights require community for their implementation, while community requires human rights as the basis of its morally justified economic, political and social operations and enactments. Violations of human rights is one of the most worrying problems of our times for the entire world civilisation. Almost every ...
Teacher education is the pivot of any educational system. Teachers are the torch-bearers in creating social cohesion, national integration and a learning society. In-service teacher education within the overall framework of teacher development has a crucial role to play. It is no clich? but a reality that those who teach never cease to learn. In the professional updating of teachers, new advances emerging on the educational horizon have to be addressed to and ...
In this volume, scholars from India and abroad bring together various dimensions of Nehru's ideas with a view to make proper assessment of Nehruvian thought in its totality.
The book is an intensive study of Jawaharlal Nehru’s role in the negotiations with the Cripps Mission which visited India in the critical year of 1942. Chiefly based on an interview and extensive examination of official records, papers and documents the book not only explains what constituted the ‘Cripps Offer’ but also says why the offer was rejected by the Indian National Congress and highlights the specific role or Nehru. The author’s analysis is ...
This edited volume presents highly illuminating contributions of twenty-six scholars of repute, both from India and abroad, on some important issues in Gandhian thought and philosophy.
This book, written as a political analysis of the issue of terrorism, explores and examines the new styles and range of terrorism by small groups, cults, individuals as well as international networks with access to weapons of mass destruction. The book makes an incisive, penetrating analysis of what makes up for terrorism in general, and its ever-changing face. Charting its origins and development through the ages, the book engages in a deep and insightful ...
This book has been designed as a introductory text which looks into the importance of value education and human right education. Value education often tends to be neglected in most schools, especially in contemporary times where the rapidly changing social context tends to negatively scrutinise the effectiveness of these values and their needs. Human rights education too is sidelined quite often, considering that many hold these rights unattainable in a world ...