The present volume is on social justice and human rights. It unequivocally asserts that social justice is an inseparable component of human rights of women in India and without it human rights would be empty and meaningless. Equality in basic liberties, equality of opportunity for advancement and positive discrimination in favour of women ensure social justice and human rights. Human rights of a woman means her liberation from the traditional oppressive bonds and ...
"The present volume is an experiment in environmental protection, conscientization and empowerment of women. It shows that even illiterate and exploited rural and tribal women can generate "women friendly" knowledge and take power in their hands by utilizing their own knowledge. The book emphasises that sustainable development is inseparably interlinked with environment and participation of women."
Choice of themes and the manner in which they are dealt with is a noteworthy feature of this book. Seven out of the twenty articles are on women. A striking feature is that out of the seven articles four of them discuss the daily work undertaken by women. The traditional images of women as a home maker have given way to a more 'real' and a more authentic picture of women which places issues of livelihood at the heart of the matter. The section on children brings ...