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Contents: 1.Introduction.; 2. Drought Resistance of Plants.; 3. Mineral Nutrition.; 4. Root Plasticity in Exploiting Water and Nutrient Heterogeneity.; 5. Soil Constraints on Plant Mineral Nutrition.; 6. Plant Stress Symptomatology.; 7. Irrigation of Turf with Effluent Water.; 8. Waterlogging Responses and Interaction with Temperature, Salinity, and Nutrients.; 9. Role of Heat-shock Proteins in Creeping Bentgrass.; 10. Cold Response and Freezing Tolerance in ...
Modern Technology of Plant Pathology. Plant pathology is the study of plant diseases. We could not survive on earth without plants, so their health is important to us. Photo-synthesis is the source of the free oxygen necessary for aerobic respiration. Long ago, free oxygen became a component of the early atmosphere, leading to the creation of the ozone layer, which helps to protect us from ultraviolet radiation and makes life on land possible. Photosynthesis also ...