Showing all 3 books
This book assesses the evolution of the Indian Parliament as an institution. By focusing on the changing dynamics of the Lok Sabha, the book demonstrates the changes in the idea of the nation as it reached out to encompass pluralism and diversity.Readership: It will be of interest to students and scholars of Indian politics, political theory, political sociology, law, as well as bureaucrats, diplomats, politicians, and journalists.
Providing an important introduction, this book is a compilation of judiciously selected, thoroughly edited writings of B. R. Ambedkar. It serves as an excellent guide to the evolution of his thought and should be a ready reference on Ambedkar's most important works for students and researchers of political science, history, and sociology. It will also interest all those who deal with scheduled castes, tribes, and social classes.
Scholar, politician, and constitutionalist, Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar (1891-1956) is modern India’s towering symbol of protest against age-old and contemporary forms of oppression. Born an ‘untouchable’, Ambedkar became India’s foremost opponent of the evil of untouchability and formulated the basis of affirmative action through his advocacy of fair and equal terms of social association. This selection brings together the most powerful and enduring word ...