Showing all 3 books
The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary has been undertaken to supply a want long felt by the student, of a complete and at the same time low-priced Sanskrit-English Dictionary. The main feature of this Dictionary is that it has aimed at being practical. With this view the author has added quotations and references to the peculiar and noteworthy senses of words, especially such as occur in works read by the student at school or college. To a student, especially ...
The present book is a beautiful guide to Sanskrit composition. It has been designed as a good treatise on Sanskrit syntax. Divided into four parts, the book covers the general scope of syntax, principal laws of concord Government and Principal rules in Karaka Prakarana, important grammatical forms such as participles, the Infinitive mood, tenses and moods. Particles are also treated and illustrated. In the fourth part, the learned author has dealt with the ...
The present Dictionary is designed to meet the long-felt need of the English knowing reader, who is interested in the study of classical as well as modern Sanskrit. It covers a very large field - Epics such as the Ramayana and Mahabharata, Puranas and Upapuranas, Smrti and Niti literature, Darsanas or Systems of Philosophy, such as Nyaya, Vedanta, Mimasa, Sankhya and Yoga, Grammar, Rhetoric, Poetry in all its branches, Dramatic and Narrative literature, ...