Showing all 7 books
The present Dictionary is designed to meet the long-felt need of the English knowing reader, who is interested in the study of classical as well as modern Sanskrit. It covers a very large field-Epics such as the Ramayana and Mahabharata, Puranas and Upapuranas, smrti and Niti literature, Darsanas or Systems of Philosophy, such as Nyaya, Vedanta,Mimamsa, Sankhya and Yoga, Grammar, Rhetoric, Poetry in all its branches, Dramatic and Narrative literature, ...
IA Student, while reading Sanskrit, generally expects that the Dictionary which he uses will give appropriate equivalents for such words and compound expressions as may have peculiar meanings or sheds of meaning in particular passages. He desires to know not only that a particular word has so many senses, but that it has this or that sense in a particular passage of a book, so that he may determine any particular meaning of a word in a certain passage by seeing ...
The present dictionary includes general terms of all sciences and those technical terms as could be duly represented by Sanskrit equivalents actually existing in that language. Quotations from the works of famous authors have been included to render the meaning of a word easily intelligible.
The present Dictionary is a practical exercise in word-compilation to facilitate the study of Sanskrit language. Based on Webster’s complete English dictionary it includes general terms of all sciences and such technical terms as could be duly represented by Sanskrit equivalents actually existing in that language. Besides the general vocabulary quotations from the works of famous authors have been inserted to render the connotation of a word easily ...