Vandana Shiva

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This book is an attempt to bring back to memory and reconnect with the amazing diversity of pulses and other legumes Mother Earth has so generously provided for us. The book connects the seed to the table, focusing on processing, cooking and ecological usages they have given rise to.
Shiva's powerful narratives allow us to hold a piece of food in our hands and, in a thought process we have never been taught to follow, lets us trace backwards the story of the land it was grown on, the cultural and economic toll on the ecosystem and people, the sacrifice endured so that it might be made, the full weight of environmental devastation present in its existence.
This unique, international offering on an issue of critical importance today, demonstrates how women as activists, scientists and scholars are at the forefront of shaping new scientific and economic paradigms to reclaim seed sovereignty and food security across the world. Women in the North and South are leading movements to change both practice and paradigm: how we grow and transform our food. As seed keepers and food producers, as mothers and consumers, they ...
Poisons in our food is a horrifying study of the terrible, often insidious devastation unleashed on the human anatomy and the global environment by pesticide poisoning. Pesticides were born during World War II as agents of destruction for chemical warfare. After the war, the remains of these chemicals were diverted for use in the agriculture sector. This then led to the birth of fertilisers and pesticides.
A highly disturbing book Poisons in our Food forces the ...
A leading voice in struggles for global justice, Vandana Shiva is a world renowed environmemtal activist and physicist. In Earth Democracy, Shiva updates the struggles she helped bring to international attention-against genetic food engineering, cultural theft, and natural resource privatisation-uncovering their link to the rising tide of fundamentalisms, violence against women, and planetary death. Starting in the 16th century with the initial enclosure of the ...
Climate of our planet is changing. The climate has always been variable, but there appears to be a growing concern over the climatic changes due to the frequency of natural disasters and the quantum of seasonal shifts. The climate dynamics seems to be unprecedented in the contemporary world, significantly because there is strong evidence to suggest that humanity is, by and large, directly responsible for climate changes. The impending threat to our planet can no ...
Climate Change will dramatically alter how we live and is already affecting the lives of the lives of the world’s most vulnerable people. In Soil Not Oil, bestselling author Vandana Shiva connects the food crisis, peak oil, and climate change to show that a world beyond a dependence on fossil fuel and globalization is both possible and necessary. Bold and visionary, Shiva reveals how three crises are inherently linked and that any attempt to solve one ...
Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) and the agreement on agriculture, both part of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), have critical implications regarding food security and the right to livelihood for most developing countries. This is because the vast majority of the peoples of these countries derive their food entitlements primarily by producing food themselves. This important volume explores many important facets concerning the inter-linked ...
While draught and desertification are intensifying around the world, corporations are aggressively converting free-flowing water into bottled profits. The water wars of the twenty-first century may match – or even surpass – the oil wars of the twentieth. In Water Wars: Privatization, Pollution and Profit….Vandana Shiva, “the world’s most prominent radical scientist†( the Guardian) , shines a light on activists who are fighting corporate maneuvers to ...
In this new age of globalization, the world is increasingly being drawn into new kinds of wars which are far removed from nuclear weapons and mass destruction. These wars have to do with ecology and the ethical limits to profit; the enemies are coercive free trade treaties, technologies of production based on violence, genetic engineering and nano-technologies. Seed wars, or the control of foodgrains, are being fought through Trade Related Intellectual Property ...
In Stolen Harvest, Vandana Shiva charts the impacts of globalized, corporate agriculture on small farmer, the environment and the quality of the food we eat. With chapters on genetically engineered seeds, patents on life, mad cows and sacred cows, and the debate on shrimp farming, this is an impassioned and inspiring book that will shape the debate about genetic engineering and commercial agriculture for years to come.