Koogai, the owl-
huddled in its hollow
with the sun overhead,
it flies free
when darkness descends
Bird of the night-
an abuse, a bad omen
attacked and shunned
by birds, by humans …
Strong, but unaware of
its immense power,
Koogai, the owl-
or wise?
Set in post-Independence Tamil Nadu's era of agrarian and industrial change, Koogai reflects the nuances of an authentic contemporary myth leavened with irony and fierce humour. Empowering themselves ...
Innumerable strands of ethnic, regional and universal experiences are woven together in this collection of fine short fiction spanning four decades—1960_1990—in which the short story emerged as the definitive genre of modern Tamil literature. Twenty-nine famous names are represented here—from Rajanarayanan to Paavannan and many others who have encapsulated the joys, sorrows and peculiar challenges of life ...