Showing all 3 books
Ever since it came into being in 1947, Pakistan has undergone a tumultuous process of nation-building. It has struggled to create a sufficient consensus in its polity, while endeavouring to establish the political institutions necessary for stability. The unfinished agenda of nation-building in Pakistan is today standing at an unenviable and critical cross-roads. Veena Kukreja provides a rare reasoned analysis of the political processes at work in contemporary ...
This study analyses the phenomenon of military intervention in politics in Pakistan within a theoretical framework, utilizing existing hypotheses and theories on the subject. The work begins with a review of extant literature on military intervention and the modernization capabilities of the military. An attempt has been made to synthesize different theoretical approaches into a comprehensive multi-factorial analytical model for explaining the particular cases ...
This book deals with the issues of democracy, development and discontent in the general context of South Asia and the specific contexts of the major countries of the region. Major challenges confronting democracy and development in South Asia--including the interface between multicultural identity, democracy and development in India; movement for the restoration of democracy in Pakistan; and the Maoist movement and its democratic accommodation in Nepal--are part ...