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The revolution in business caused by the internet and its related technologies demonstrates that information systems and information technology are essential ingredients for the success of internet worked business enterprises. In the last two decades, information technology has emerged in the world affective our personal, social and public life and has made a significant impact on the quality of life. The field of information technology is like a sea where ...
Management Information System is that part of management information which provides information for taking the decision in the organization. It includes Decision Support System, Management Reporting System, Transaction Processing System, Office Automation System, Transaction Processing System and Security areas. Fundamentals o hardware and software which are to be used for the better procurement of information in the organization is also appended in this text. ...
Computer and Internet have revolutionized the process of dissemination off knowledge. Communication system has undergone drastic changes the world over. Time and space have lost the conventional meaning. Very aptly, as the modern time is known as computer literacy. Knowledge about and ability to learn about computers a luxury in goneby years, is a foundational level skill for the today’s generation coming through the education system. This encyclopaedic ...