Showing all 7 books
This book in the series on pharmacology undertakes an exploration of the chemical constitution and processes of natural products, with added focus on their pharmaceuticals applications. The book takes look at the general introduction, nomenclature, occurrence, isolation, detection, structure elucidation by various techniques, biotechniques and bioactivities, all done with an attempts to understand the therapeutic and medicinal properties of these products. In ...
This book in the series on pharmacology has been designed as an introductory manual which looks into the chemistry of artificial or lab-designed drugs. Right from a general introduction the book proceeds onto the techniques, principles and practices which enable one composition, bioactivity pharmaco-dynamics and pharmacokinetics. In addition, it also takes a look at the current discoveries and advances in the field, enabling a relevant understanding of the ...
This book has been designed to serve the needs of pharmacology students as an introductory manual on the field of medicinal or pharmaceutical chemistry. Written to meet the challenges of the ever changing curricula of medicinal chemistry course, it focuses on providing readers with a grasp over the fundamentals of medicinal chemistry, with a focus on the drug development process from the perspective of the pharmacist as a therapeutic clinical consultant, rather ...
This book is the series of pharmacology concentrates its focus on pharmaceutical organic chemistry, which primarily deals in developing carbon compounds for drug development and use. It studies the general concepts of organic chemistry which apply to small, simple carbon compounds to more complex molecules such as carbohydrates, fats and proteins, addressing the issues of their requirements in drug research and development. The book takes into consideration the ...
This work in two volumes provides the readers with some extraordinary details about medicinal plants not commonly available. The herbal medicines that are well-known around the world, their geographical distrution, botanical features, chemical constituents, medicinal use, posology, pharmacology adverse reactions of such medicines etc. are given in detail. A comparison of traditional medicine with modern western medicine makes an interesting reading. The utility ...
Molecular modeling is the science and art of studying molecular structure and function through model building and computation. It is a rapidly developing discipline, and has benefited from the dramatic improvements in computer hardware and software of recent years. The range of systems that can be considered in molecular modeling is extremely broad, from isolated molecules through simple atomic and molecular liquids to polymers, biological macro-molecules such ...
Computational Chemistry is the branch of theoretical chemistry whose major goals are to create efficient computer programs that calculate the properties of molecules (such as total energy, dipole moment, vibrational frequencies) and to apply these programs to concrete chemical objects. It is also sometimes used to cover the areas of overlap between computer science and chemistry. The present volume gives readers the tools they need to translate theoretical ...