Vidyotma Singh

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Breaking away from the fire-centred Brahmanical Hinduism in the 6th century BC, Buddhism showed a new path. Today, even if it has firm footholds in Asia, its Essential message of ‘nonviolence’ and ‘compassion for one and all’ has found acceptance everywhere the World - in a world torn apart by violence, strife and wars. This book is an effort to quintessentially capture the Essentials of the Buddha’s Original message, distilling the ...
"The present book then, is an attempt to understand the fascination that Buddhism hold all over the world, even as it faces extinction from its own birthplace. Charting the development and evolution of the religion throughout the ages, the book is a chronicle of the Buddha’s way through the annals of history, underlining the change that have been wrought in its concepts and practices, especially as just what the original teaching of the Buddha was is a ...
Saints have been born in India in all ages. The list of their names is endless and long. It is difficult to present and give complete account of the spiritual journey of all-them under one cover. For this reason only three to four in each volume have been included. In this volume, the life sketch, the spiritual odyssey and the contribution made to the contemporary society by Lord Mahavira, Gautam Buddha and AdiGuru Sankaracharya have been chronologically and ...
Indian Society: Ancient to Modern is a Chronological narration of changes that occurred in Indian Society from time to right from the pre-historic age. As is obvious, the changes that took place had natural impact on the way of life of the people of the contemporary society. The Period of the Rajputs has been extensively described in this volume. India’s images abroad as conceived and perceived by the great leader Lala Lajpat Rai whose inspiring writings in the ...
India is a land of saints where countless sages and seers have taken birth. Throughout her 5000 years old history divine souls have descended on this holy land. Saints, however, are not born everyday and to every couple. Auspicious days are decided and pious couples are chosen by the heaven for their birth. Not only that, saints are not made, they are born, Since their childhood, signs of their future sainthood are discenable in them. These Mahaan-atmas do not ...
This book is all about the Buddha and the faith the profounder in the 6 century B.C. detailed account of the early and later life of Buddha has been given. The contemporary social conditions as provided at the time of Buddha's birth are well described. The spiritual Odyssey and the contribution made to the contemporary society have been chronologically and extensively narrated in a lucid manner. The Four Noble Truths and the Ashtangika Marga (the Eight Fold Path) ...
The volume has been weaved into fourteen chapters having deep bearing on the social philosophy of Swami Vivekananda. From early years of his life, Narendra Nath showed signs of ideals which greatly influenced the way of his future life. His stay at Khetri was lesson giving for him. Other chapters deal with his mystical experiences, the realisation of new path, effective lectures in USA, England and elsewhere, views on science and religion, Ramakrishna Math and ...