Showing all 3 books
The dominance of insects amongst all living organisms on earth, coupled with infinite wealth of knowledge so important for our own existence, is a fundamental scientific fact, which is yet to be widely acknowledged. This dominance means that in numbers of species beyond our comprehension these animals permeate diverse and essential natural process in earth’s terrestrial, aerial and freshwater ecosystems, contributing to the function of the natural world as ...
A Field Guide on Malariology in a unique book on malaria control comprising both conventional and modern methods of mosquito and malaria control. Malaria an anopheline mosquito borne communicable disease is one of the major threats to mankind, causing huge physical, psychological and monetary loss and affecting about half of the world population. In India malaria and mosquito situation is grim and affects about 2-3 million people with more than a thousand deaths ...
Pests of Forest Importance and Their Management is a unique book comprising all the major components of a sylvatic ecosystem from the standpoint of pests of economic importance and their control using both conventional and modern applications. The book is a compilation of 15 specialist articles woven around the central theme of the objective envisaging a variety of forest arthropod pests including both insects and arachnids as well as vertebrates. In addition, ...