Showing all 4 books
The book is a simple rendition of a lifetime of memoirs, anecdotes and stories about wildlife of the beautiful Indian panorama of species of animals and birds and some of the jungle lore. The stories are made more interesting by the accompanying sketches by the author, as is said ‘’A picture speaks a thousand words’’. Main stories are of a man eating panther near Nagpur, shot by the authors father in 1944, whom he had accompanied as a boy. ...
International Encyclopaedia of Medicinal Plants is an amazing compendium consisting of a series of eighteen volumes, covering A to Z of medicinal plants. It is a remarkable compilation of information on herbal medicine, chemistry, pharmacology, healing properties, treatment of ailments and biology of medicinal plants of the world. It also covers herbs from all over the world, giving their location, cultivation, history of herbal medicine and the herbal traditions ...
Dictionary of Medicinal Plants provides detail references and will benefit pharmacists, pharmacologist, toxicologists, botanists and students. Whether a complete beginner, a college student, or a seasoned professional, this book will fill the gaps in background knowledge and make medicinal plants easy to understand for every one. This dictionary offers an unprecedented collection of essential scientific information for herbal medicine practitioners, ...