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Agricultural Physics deals with the application of physical principles and processes in agriculture. It deals with the aspects of soil, water and environment, three natural resources and key factors in crop production. Soil physics is the study of soil physical properties and processes. It is applied to management and prediction under natural and managed ecosystems. Soil physics deals with the dynamics of physical soil components and their phases as solids, ...
I am half-man, half-superhuman. I am the mightiest warrior of my time. I have violated my dharma and murdered a man in cold-blood. I have, single-handed, wiped out a whole generation of my kinsmen. I have committed acts of unspeakable brutality on the battlefield. I have done it all for the love of one woman.
A woman who loves my brother.
I am Bhima, the second Pandava. This is my story.
Possessed of amazing strength, fierce loyalty and great tenderness, Bhima as ...
Contents: 1. Bacterial and fungal diversity leading to EUS in air breathing fishes a case study of climate change/Reena Laharia. 2. Study of biodiversity of fresh water molluscs from drought prone area of Solapur District/V.S. Kamble and K.R. Rao. 3. Intra-specific communication and territory marking in desert fox vulpes vulpes pusilla in the Thar Desert, Rajasthan/Hemu Chaudhary and G.R. Jakher. 4. A study of breeding site selection by aquatic birds in Jabalpur ...
The present book greatly emphasize on importance of medicinal plants which are all around us. Various scriptures and mantras in our Vedas are having description about their medicinal values. This book covers the quality research on numerous medicinal plants and factors for their deteriorating and how we can save them is given. This book could provide necessary information to the people involved in cultivation and conservation of medicinal plants.