Showing all 5 books
The Electricity Act, 2003 was a landmark legislation which has firmly put India on a fast track path towards energy sector reforms. The principal aim of the Act is to foster competition in the electricity industry, across the value chain. The Act has, for the first time, introduced the concept of power trading in India. The Act and its subordinate legislation have opened up floodgates of business and professional opportunities for everyone involved in the power ...
This volume based on the electricity industry explores basic and imperative issues such as the restructuring of competitive markets. It is a take-off point from the previous volume which throws light on the structure of competitive electricity markets. However, this volume explores the investment climate before and after restructuring took place and identifies the risks faced by all sectors, among other issues. Some pathbreaking concepts discussed here include ...
The Electricity Act, 2003, was a landmark legislation aimed at reforming the Indian electricity industry. It facilitated the transition from a government-owned to a freely competitive regime. A competitive electricity market is as exciting as it is complex. This book takes you into the depth of understanding electricity, and into the realm of understanding the market mechanisms for trading electricity. The electric power which we receive in our houses is a ...
Water is a basic necessity of life. From time immemorial, human life has revolved around water. While the quantity of fresh water available in the world remains constant, the population has increased and several nations are joining the list of water-stressed nations. This stress is further aggravated by rapid economic development in the world. Water is necessary for supporting economic growth, and at the same time, economic growth accelerates water consumption, ...
The traditional way to protect the environment is Command-and-Control regime under which regulators like the State Pollution Control Boards in India or the Environmental Protection Agency in the United States act as watchdogs to prevent any activity having the potential to harm the environment. Although the method of environment conservation has been in vogue across the world, it is laced with several disadvantages, the primary one being that it forces ...