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The present book is a unique collection of papers which are contributed by variety of experts having multi-disciplinary back-ground. The balanced coverage of all the areas and issues in the context of different discipline is another distinguished feature of the book. The comprehensive coverage of issues and analysis has brought out a set of pragmatic alternatives which are practicable in resolving the environmental crisis with appropriate policy actions. The book ...
The world is facing or rather passing through many crises but the most dangerous crisis is that of gross and constantly increasing pollution of the environment. Needless to say that if immediate attention is not paid, ways are not rooted out; plans are not implemented in their right direction to put a check on the growing hazards of pollution, the entire humanity may be in the grip of destruction, devastation and it may be a sign of doom and loom for all of us. ...
The present study gives us a wonderful panorama about the knowledge of biotechnology bring used for the benefit of mankind, not only in India but also the world over, in one way or the other. The feature of this study lies in the balanced coverage of all the advancement of biotechnology. Hence the value of the work is self-evident and significant for all those who are concerned the such studies.