Showing all 7 books
Ever since the publication of the first edition, there has been an incessant and irresistible temptation to update the same. In the meantime, the entity had gathered considerable awareness and momentum to eradicate donovanosis/granuloma inguinale altogether from across the globe, because it is one of the most pre-eminent genitoulcerative diseases to facilitate the transition of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Several scintillating reports focusing attention ...
Histoid leprosy is a well-known entity, the impact of which on the global leprosy elimination program has been a topic of dialogue. Hence, it is befitting to have a rich didactic contents for teaching, learning and research. It is now sitting cozy over the continuous leprosy spectrum. In fact, it forms its 8th component. The transformation of multibacillary (MB) leprosy is widely acclaimed and recognized globally, while conversion of indeterminate, a passing ...
Clinical leprosy, ever since its first publication in the year 1979, has continued to provide an academic access to the understanding of the unique scourge, in tropics including India. Leprosy thus is responsible for making adequate material available for research, despite Mycobacterium leprae, its incriminating organism failing to fulfill the Koch’s postulates, the major impediment being its denial to grow in vitro, thus staking the major breakthrough. ...