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Commercial Litchi farming so far is done by large farmers who are capable of sustaining long gestation period and failure of crops. When the tree is full of vigour, the dominance of vegetative phase prevails over reproductive phase in some varieties and at some locations which adversely affects flowering, fruit set and fruit growth, and some times fruit drop due to high competition for photosynthates also become limiting factor to litchi production. Besides, ...
Fruits are an important source of nutritional security and income generation. The country ranks second in terms of fruit production after China with an annual production of nearly 50 million tons from an area of about 4.0 million hectares. However, we are short in supplying the required quantity of fruits as per dietary recommendation for our increasing population. The major reason for non-availability of required quantity of fruits is, lack of sufficient ...
"The book entitled `Varieties and Hybrids of Vegetables' is the compilation of up-to-date information on the vegetable cultivars developed through selection, hybridization, mutation etc. in public and private sector institutions. The information exclusively deals with the basic knowledge, important characters, merits and the yield potential of improved varieties and hybrids of more than 100 crops. The book is also aiming to make the teachers, ...
The arid region occupies nearly 12 per cent of land surface of the country and is spread over in the states of Rajasthan, Gujarat, Haryana, Punjab, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Maharashtra. Rajasthan occupies the maximum area of arid region having limited sources of irrigation. The climate conditions are hostile having low and erratic rainfall, high wind velocity, high evapo-transpiration and intense solar radiation. Nevertheless, the region has great potential ...
The book contains the information on importance and scope of area expansion of arid and minor fruits in the problematic soils, waste lands and non-areable lands. The Information on nutritional value, anti-oxidant properties, taxonomic positions, bio-diversity, plant regeneration techniques, production technologies, phenology, post harvest handling, processing and value addition on 21 arid and semi arid fruits which are now picking up has been presented in this ...
India is the largest producer of mango in the world. The productivity of mango is low due to poor initial planning, inferior planting material, poor orchard management practices, unscientific post harvest practices and natural calamities. Vegetative dominance over reproductive phase, irregular flowering, erratic fruit set and its growth, fruit drop, post harvest losses, pests, diseases, disorders and adverse climatic conditions affect the economic cultivation of ...