Showing all 4 books
India: National Interests and Global Commitments is such a subject that attracts authors and readers of the subject. Seriousness of the subject and particularly how India is poised so delicately in the subcontinent, while living with neighbouring countries like China and Pakistan it has to keep its military growth and on the other hand to keep pace with economic growth and to protect economic interests it has to fulfill global commitments, Governmental structure, ...
South Asia: Political Priorities and Economic Imperatives name itself reflects the work is focused on political and socio-economic characteristics of the constituent nations of the sub-continent. Book is conceived and compiled as an analysis which profiles the nations in the sub-continent and their commitment to acquire their identity and place on the global scenario. Special attention is given to the papers on attempts at regional cooperation, political economy ...
Politics and Power in South Asia present book Politics and Power in South Asia gives a thoughtful and indepth analysis of the political, power structure and evolution of South Asian sub continent. Special attention has been given to power by proxy, resistance and arms trade in Afghanistan, insular politics and social structure in Nepal, Bangladesh politics and political ideals, Islamic state in South Asia, power politics in Pakistan, parties, politics and ...