Showing all 2 books
The Life of the Mahasiddha Tilopa, thought to have been composed in the 11th century by the renowned Tibetan yogi Marpa Lotsawa, is a compelling account of the complete liberation of the guru of Naropa, and belongs to the genre of Buddhist hagiology. As such, it will be of interest to followers of the Kagyud school of Tibetan Buddhism as well as to those who are fascinated by the lives of the Buddhist saints and masters. This fine translation is presented in a ...
Nagulchu Gyalsas Thogmed Zangpo’s The Thirty Seven Practices of a Bodhisattva is one of Tibetan Buddhism’s most popular texts, incorporated in the Mind Training text and also able to be explained according to the Lam Rim tradition. Its advice is timeless and its relevance is universal. This commentary by His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama, as expounded during Kalacakra teachings at Bodh Gaya, is characterized by its clarity, practicality and profundity. Each ...