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Nothing is form…form is Nothing When Acceptance comes, it cuts off involvement, and then there's peace. This isn't momentary peace you get from getting what you want and it isn't the peace that is oblivion, but rather the peace at the center of the storm, the eye of the hurricane. All around is the swirl of life and living, and the tumult that life is, but in the eye of the storm thee's peace There's quiet. This Acceptance I am pointing ...
If one wants to remain in the moment, what does one do about the mind? Never mind! The mind does what the mind does. It is working and functioning perfectly, doing exactly what it has been designed and programmed to do. So says, Wayne Liquorman, one of the world's premier non-dual Teachers. His teaching hammers away at the basic misconceptions that bring about human suffering I COULD HAVE AND SHOULD HAVE DONE IT DIFFERENTLY. I AM FLAWED I AM THE AUTHOR OF MY ...