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Ananda Kentish Coomaraswamy (1987-1947) was one of the bestminds that India has produced in the 20th Century. By profession anart critic and a museum curator, Ananda K. Coomaraswamy wasalso a masterful exponent of metaphysics.This book is a compilation of quotations from his works andletters, and it constitutes a good introduction to his thought. Histheories are here applied to concrete situations, related to the problemsof modern India, and could still suggest a ...
Since time immemorial, one perennial Wisdom permeatesthe whole history of mankind, expressing itself in the spiritualtraditions of all peoples. Even though these traditions oftendiffer in their forms of expression in different places and times,they nevertheless fully coincide in their essential contents.A.K. Coomaraswamy once said: aThe time is coming whena Summa of the Philosophia Perennis will have to be written,impartially based on all orthodox sources ...