Winand M. Callewaert

Showing all 10 books
This book surveys the important works, both articles and books, of Wanand M. Callewaert, Professor Emeritus of Sanskrit and Hinduism at the KU Leuven, Belgium, done on Indian nirgun bhakti literature.
Containing some of his revised articles and summaries of books and articles published earlier, it focuses on Dadupanth, Namdev, Mirabai, Raidas, Guru Granth Sahib, Rancaritmanas, Kabir and Guru Nanakdeva. The devotional literature in South India and the Dictionary ...
This book contains the reports given at the English ‘Bhaakti Conference’ organized in Leuven in August 2000. Forty scholars came to Leuven, hailing from fourteen different countries – from Japan to the west coast of the United States – each one bringing his or her expertise and experience. Nearly all the reports are published here. In addition, another twenty scholars sent a report to their list of publications. The result is a fascinating overview of the ...
Millions of Foreign and Indian tourist and pilgrims visit the thousands of shrines that testify to India’s great cultural and religious heritage. For many of them the local priests of their own childhood treading of the Indrajal comics are the only aids to understand and interiorize the massage of the ‘stones’ for them and for others this book has been written as an introduction to the mythological and religious background of the gods worshipped in temples ...