Showing all 6 books
The book 'Ferns of Nainital' deals with account of taxonomy and ecology of ferns of Naini Tal ranging from 600 - 2611 m. It is based on the extensive collections made periodically in different localities of Naini Tal. The present work records 135 species, 6 varieties and 2 forma belonging to 49 genera and 25 families. The families and genera are arranged according to Mehra's system of classification. Nomenclature has been updated with the help of available ...
Kumaun Himalaya which forms the easternmost part of the North-Western Himalaya, harbours a rich and varied flora including the orchids and has attracted several professional and amateur botanists in the past, who visited this region especially for making plant collections. Kumaun Himalaya forms a transition zone both for eastern and western Himalayan elements. In spite of such a rich and varied flora including orchids, no systematic attempt has been made so far ...
Havan in Kumaun is performed on various auspicious occasions to seek blessings of the Gods. Various plants and plant products, which are being used by humans for day to day needs are used in Havan. In other word the burning of mixture of various aromatic herbs in the fire accompanied by invocation and offering to the Gods is known as Havan. Many 'Chants' are also based on the plants. In addition many plants are worshipped at the time of Havan according to the ...