Mistletoes, because of their unusual growth habits, have been the object of much curiosity for thousands of years. And only in the beginning of the 20 century their role as damaging pests to native and planted forests, parks, orchards, and ornamental trees could be established. Mistletoes are distributed allover the world and in many parts they are serious pests, but they are most abundant in the tropical areas of the world. In India a large number of mistletoe ...
Advances in Agricultural Research in India (Vol. 1)
Vol. XV. January-June, 2001: 1. An overview of biocontrol agents of Phytophagous mites associated with vegetable crops in India/A.K. Singh and R.N. Singh. 2. Bio-efficacy of new formulation Quinalphos 20 AF against Pigeonpea Pod Borer, Helicoverpa Armigera (Hubner)/D. William Rajasekhar, J.S. Awakanavar and S. Lingappa. 3. Effect of insecticides on different developmental stages of Spiralling Whitefly (Aleurodicus Dispersus, Russel) with leaf dip method/D.N. ...
Advances in Agricultural Research in India (Vol. 2)