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Natural ecosystems were distributed on the day some 11000 years ago that the first planet dwellers decided to dig holes in the ground and plant seeds and tubers. Today the planet has to cope with over 6 billion people and urbanization, industrialization, poverty, while agricultural practices continue to impact on the environment. Assessing impact on the environment. Assessing impact on the environment is much more than just a tunnel vision approach on ...
Beginning with Louis Pasteur’s works with wine, modern food science and technology has made enormous contributions to the safety and availability of food. The spectrum of potential benefits from the application of genetic engineering and biotechnology to food crops ranges from diagnostic aids, for example in plant diseases, through to gene mapping, where the genetic characteristics of plants are visibly cartographed, enabligh speedier identification of ...
There is an increasing, public awareness of the health, environment and safety hazards associated with the extraction techniques in food processing and the possible contamination of the final products. The high cost of modern extraction techniques and the increasingly stringent environmental regulations together with the new requirements of the medical and food industries for ultra-pure and high value added products have pointed out the need for the development ...
The area of functional foods and nutraceuticals is growing worldwide and has emerged as a Major trend in the food and emerged as a major trend in the food and nutrition industry. Modern food processing technologies offer a level of specificity, predictability, and productivity that otherwise would not exist in the manufacture of food products. These technologies provide for new food process design that are cost effective, energy efficient, product specific, and ...