Showing all 7 books
These Monographs presented by the International Board of Yoga, on a single or specific aspect of Yoga, are meant to clarify the genuine ideals, concepts and technology of classic Yoga. This little booklet is compiled from the published and unpublished manuscripts of Shri Yogendraji's writings on Yoga since 1916 and other articles published in the Journal of The Yoga Institute. The earnest student of classic Yoga, hoping to achieve meditation is ...
For a ling time now graded lessons on Yoga as Taught from 1918 onwards, at a the famous Yoga institute of Santa Cruz are being published in pocket editions. The series is intended to guide the layman to study Yoga in absence of a teacher. This book supplies an ideal course of yoga education for daily practice. Written by Yogendra who put Yoga on the map of modern science, the book presents a balanced course of simple Yoga postures, which are both traditional and ...
This is not a book - it is a cannon with live bombs, all the burning questions of human life in a nutshell. Many did not have the courage to read, many did not have the courage to print; and the government of the time subverted its circulation. The fourth edition appeared after 45 years of silence. "Epigrams are the salt of literature. The epigramatic form is eminently suitable for recording the concentrated moments of a soul which can live and experience ...
The book is so simple, lucid and clear that it ought to decorate the nook-shelves of all homes, schools, colleges, universities and educational Institutes. Human beings are, by and large, immensely ignorant about their physical body with its complexity and immense potentiality. The physical, the mental, the emotional and the spiritual man hides within its frame. And yet we do not have even a slight idea of the greatness, grandeur and glory that the human organism ...
Beginning with Bane of Permissive Society where exceptions become the rule and the rules remain as mere exceptions, Shri Yogendra speaks of the modern sick society and ignorance about oneself and one's motives. The sense of duty is lacking he feels because of a partial understanding of man. We depend for our knowledge on limited perceptions. Unfortunately the practitioner of yoga is like the modern materialist given to show to competition and to acquisition of ...
A difficult subject dealt with simplicity and indepth by Shri Yogendraji who devoted all his life in simplifying a complex subject like yoga, so that it is understood by the layman. The book deals with some important topics like respiratory activity, sexual drive and its control, brain and nervous system with its complex network, skin the largest organ of the body and hygiene in general. The fundamental purpose of yoga is to transcend the limitation of sense of, ...