Showing all 4 books
Since the birth of india & pakistan & independent dominion kashmir has been in the news.it has caused four major wars between the two countries.on occasions it has attracted screaming headlines in national & international media & since 1989, it has seldom beeb out of headlines.it has been a hot subject for discussions with columnists, analysts & political commentators.this bok gives a kaleidoscopic view of kashmir politics. It exposes the ...
Kashmirayat a new cliché was edited to the political lexicon of kashmir in early nineties of the past centuries this word that sounds alien etymology of kashmir langugae found some ready takers & a government & made it a part of kashmiri political discourse. Some made it look as sub-nationalism & some projected it as syncretism of sufisium & shavisim.many used it as one word substitution forkashmir identity.the book also looks into the literary ...