Human Rights

500 books
The Indian literary tradition is primarily one of verse and is also essentially oral. The earliest works were composed to be sung or recited and were so transmitted for many generation before being written down. Indian democracy has some features of anarchy. A serious claim for early democratic institutions comes from the independent republics of India Sanghas and Ganas which existed as early as the 6th century BC and persisted in some areas until the 4th century ...
In other cases, corporations have been viewed as complicit in human rights violations perpetrated by the state, for example by using government security forces to suppress opposition. What is common in most cases in that the people whose lives may be fundamentally transformed by the corporate activity are ill-equipped to negotiate with the companies, to participate in government decision making or even to understand the international processes that facilitate ...
Dalit, also called outcaste, is a self-designation for a group of people traditionally regarded as of untouchables and unsuitable for making personal relationships. Dalits are a mixed population of numerous caste groups all over India, and speak various languages. The large majority of the Dalits in India are Hindus, although some in Maharashtra and other states have converted to Buddhism, often called Neo-Buddhism. Dalits in Sri Lanka can be Buddhist. Dalits ...
The book is a collection of well researched papers presented by erudite scholars at Silver Jubilee Conference of Indian Society of Professional Social Work in collaboration with Central Board for Workers Education, Ministry of labour Government of India. The Conference theme Social issues: Human Trafficking rights of migrant workers and their education recognised that not all development was good in the public interest and that collaboration through partnerships ...
From the perspective of basic human rights, generally it has been observed that law enforcing agencies are the worst violators of these sacred rights. In this work we have taken this theme. Packed with facts and figures in lights of various court rulings. Hopefully, students, teachers, researchers, social scientists, and social and human rights activists besides policymakers and administrators will find this work of utmost use.
The prevention of violations of human rights must become the dominant protection strategy of the twenty-fierst century, nationally, regionally, and globally. This book clearly identifies the need for preventive human rights strategies, what exists by way of such strategies at the present time, and offers policy options to deal with the world of the future. It concentrates on strategies for increasing our ability to monitor and investigate and to force human ...
The civil rights of Indian citizens are guaranteed both in the Indian Constitution and through the State’s international commitments. Despite these guarantees, the civil rights framework encounters numerous challenges from the State problematic counter-terrorism laws, continuation of the death penalty, misuse of arrest and preventive detention powers, lack of implementation, and impunity.
Through nine incisive essays on both traditional and emerging issues, ...
Despite the development in international relations following World War II, some critics of the international human rights movement maintain that human rights are not a proper subject of international concern. Among other things, these critics are concerned about the impact of the movement on traditional conceptions of national sovereignty. It is also argued that these organizations based their human rights values on the norms and standard of the industrialized ...
This timely book, addresses the question of human rights in the international context, focusing in particular on the interaction between human rights as a value and norm in international relations and Islam as a constituent of political culture in particular societies. Human Rights in Islam lays emphasis on the revival of true Islamic form of social justice and human rights from the beginning to present day. Rights and justice are the most important ...
The spectrum of human rights and their violations are too vast in the present day world of violence and strife to be contained easily. This book provides a global overview of human rights with a very comprehensible and stimulating text to the readers and should generate interest in Human Rights among students who are new to the discipline. The overall structure and presentation of the book is very simple and clear which will appeal to the students in the social ...
The present publication on Human Rights Dimensions provides a comprehensive up to date and compendious account of the various groups and their human rights.
The book not only meet the requirements of the students of human rights courses who require a thorough grasp of the essential facts and features before taking up specialized study in any branch of the subject but also useful as a reference tool for administrators lawyers human rights activists and all other ...
The present book discusses the convergence of the democracy and human rights fields and theories, and concludes that the two concepts are not only complementary but are indeed interdependent. This book focuses on the application of this theory in the case of Palestine by analyzing past and present experiences with democracy and human rights in the occupied territories, including obstacles and points of progress, and discussing recommendations for future ...
Burning Issues of Human Rights highlights the human rights situation in India. Recently India has been condemned in different international spheres due to violation of human rights. This book starts with the basic concepts of human rights and then goes deep into analyzing different aspects of human rights. It discusses all angles of human rights scenario as seen in India today. The book contains valuable and authoritative information on human rights. The author ...
Globalization was also driven by the global expansion of multinational corporations based in the United States and Europe and worldwide exchange of new developments in science, technology and products. Human rights are rights and freedoms to which all humans are entitled. Proponents of the concept usually assert that everyone is endowed with certain entitlements merely by reason of being human. Human rights are thus conceived in a universalist and egalitarian ...
Human rights is one of the most important topic that are included in the research technology that are applied in this modest time. This book includes all the key concept and major parts of Dalit and human rights. Each chapter of this book provides a valuable source of information to the readers in a systematic way.Over one-sixth of India's population, some 170 million people, live a precarious existence, shunned by much of Indian society because of their rank ...
The autonomous individuals Philosophers and jurists did not leave human rights solely to theologians. The latter used theology to present the basis of human rights theory stemming from a law higher than the state and whose source is the Supreme Being.
Human rights is connected not only with the protection of individual from the exercise of state but also directed towards the creation of societal conditions by the state in which individuals may develop to their ...
Human Rights : Theory and Practice is written on the frequent characteristics of human rights. It provides each and every one of the etiquettes or conducts that are pursued in Human Rights. The aim of this book is to allowance numerous rewarding one stop shopping in connection with Human Rights. The aim of this book is to allowance numerous rewarding one stop shopping in connection with human rights. While depiction on the most up to date stuff it gives details ...
The human rights concern the human beings. Human rights are essential for the dignified human existence and adequate development of human personality without which to live as human beings become difficult and impossible. Human rights are of two types viz. right to have basic human needs like food, clothing, shelter and medical care and rights like education, freedom of culture, speech, expression and movement. Right to development is also significant ...