Taj Mahal

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A miracle in marble! A dream in marble! A poem! Lavishly praised by countless critics, connoisseurs and commoners, the Taj Mahal has stayed as one of the world’s architectural wonders ever since the day of its completion in 1648. And is unmistakably one of the outstanding creations in the whole spectrum of Islamic architecture in India. For its richness, evocative aesthetic appeal and prodigiousness, it counts among man’s proudest creations. This ...
Born out of an Emperor's obsession, the magnificent Taj stands today as one of the wonders of the world. Completely shattered by the sudden loss of his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal, the fifth Moghul Emperor, Shah Jahan, took to building a memorial which would not be easily erased from the memory of mankind. Named after the empress Mumtaz Mahal, the 'chosen one of the palace,' the Taj took fourteen years to build, using the labour of twenty thousand workers, and ...
The Taj Mahal, one of the world's acknowledged wonders, represents the culmination of the arts of architecture and decoration which had developed in India during centuries of Mughal rule. In this book, John Lall briefly traces the history of the Mughals in India. The account of the lives of the six great Mughal emperors has been enlivened by a lucidly written text which successfully recreates the spirit of the time and place. The greatness of the Mughals has been ...
This book on museums (specially Kolkata’s famous Jadughar), The Taj Mahal and Ajanta packed with valuable information avoids too many technical details to make it accessible to cross sections of readers. The authors in his train has pooled in Pompeii and Herculaneum and Kolkata’s Victorial Memorial Hall for a brief discourse. At the end there is a synoptic appraisal of India’s painting traditions from the ancient period down to the Neo-Bengal school’s ...
This is a precise account of the Taj Mahal (1631-48 A.D.) which marks the perfect moment in the evolution of the Mughal Architecture of India and which is, in fact, the most beautiful monument of the medieval period. Though a vast subject, it has been dealt with here extremely briefly, covering such essential aspects of its history and architecture as the origin of its idea and design; selection of the site and land; engagement of builders and procurement of ...
The greatest monument to love, and the lost world of the Agra gardens and their characterful owners, re-created through superb scholarship and evocative illustrations.The Taj Mahal is the epitome of Mughal art and one of the most famous buildings in the world. Yet there have been few serious studies of it and no full analysis of its architecture and meaning.Ebba Koch is the only scholar who has been permitted to take measurements of the complex. She has been ...
The Mughal dynasty of India began in the first half of the16th century, after the conquest of Delhi by Babar. The Mughalsgoverned the subcontinent for a period of two centuries thatleft a precious artistic and architectonic legacy for humanity,out of which the Taj Mahal stands out by its own right.Based on the history of the Mughal Dinasty and the buildingof their most knowned monument, the Taj Mahal, theimaginative artist Gol, a renowned specialist of historical ...
Taj Mahal, the world's best known tomb and also one of the most eclectic creations of man, encapsulates a timeless love story of a great emperor and his beautiful wife. When a grieving Shah Jahan, the fifth Mughal emperor built this icon of white luminous marble as a tribute to his departed wife Mumtaz Mahal, it was more than just art and architecture; it was a great eulogy to sublime love. Everyone who visits the Taj, takes away his or her impressions and ...